Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight – Pami Woodruff

365 Moments of Grace book
My piece, “Named by Grace,” is on page 38 of “365 Moments of Grace.”

Here is my author interview for the upcoming book, 365 Moments of Grace, publishing June 21, 2016.

Please share more about yourself.

I am a bit of a study in opposites – a former homeschooling stay-at-home mom who ended up a working single mom most of my kids’ lives; a woman who doesn’t believe in divorce who got divorced; and a creative free spirit who drudged for years at a desk job before calling it quits earlier this year (2016).

Why did you decide to join as a contributing author in our book?

I have always loved to write – that creative spirit I mentioned earlier – and have a dream of being a published author. I plan to write books: both shorter, non-fiction, how-to books, and longer, fictional, novels. My first novel is midway through the first revision right now. But making that transition from wannabe author to published author is scary. Taking part in a compilation book is easier, and, it turns out, lots of fun!

What do you hope each reader will take into their heart after reading our book?

The very different but real ways that God (or Spirit/the Divine/however you label it/Him) speaks to us in our everyday lives, all the time. We need to learn to listen more.

How do you define Grace?

The textbook answer I learned in church is “unmerited favor” – but as I’ve matured, it is that and so much more! It is God (the Divine, etc.) reaching down into our lives and making Himself known in some small way.

What’s one way Grace shows up in your life?

Bringing the right ideas and opportunities into my life when I’m ready for them…and not necessarily when I start looking for them! Usually I am not ready yet when I start looking. At the right time, though, the right thing shows up, sometimes nearly miraculously!

What’s your FB page and website?

My Facebook page is The School of Lost Arts, and I run Make-It Challenges pretty much monthly on the corresponding group Creating With the Lost Arts, teaching long-forgotten skills and crafts that used to be common.

The main website is, and I have branded my teaching videos as Make It With Pam. I offer pre-recorded courses, group classes online, and 1:1 lessons in everything from sewing and knitting to candle making and food preservation!

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